Dear Webmail Account User- Phishing Email Sent to Fordham Community on 10/05/2009


This is another phishing email that has been reported. This message was received on or about Oct 5th, 2009. Please DO NOT respond to this message or anything that looks like it. You may disregard and delete this message. If you have any questions about the validity of this email please contact the University Help Desk directly at 718 817-3999 or via email:

Dear Webmail Account User

This message is from the Webmail IT Service messaging center to all
account owners. Due to the incessant rate of Spam we are currently
performing maintenance and up-grading all Digital webmail accounts as well
as the EMail Servers for your convenience. All web and mail services will
be interrupted during this period, To prevent your account from closing
during this exercise you will have to update it below to know it’s status
as a currently used account with a hard spam protector.

After upgrading, a password reset link will be sent to your email for new

Furthermore, be informed that we will not hesitate to delete all email
accounts that are not functioning, to create more space for new user.
Please send us your mail account details as follows for confirmation.

Confirm Your WebMail Details;

User Name:
Date of Birth:

You will be sent a new confirmation alphanumerical password so that it will
only be valid during this period and can be changed after the process.
Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect
your Webmail Account.

Webmail IT Help Desk


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