What is OneDrive?
Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud file storage solution. Files saved to OneDrive can be retrieved from any internet-connected workstation. OneDrive for work or school is available for all faculty and staff.
How do I backup my important files using OneDrive?
Microsoft OneDrive syncs files from your workstation to the cloud. All faculty and staff should already have OneDrive synchronizing from their workstations to the OneDrive cloud.
For Windows:
1. Check the lower right portion of your Windows desktop. There should be a blue cloud icon that displays the words “OneDrive – Fordham University” when you hover your mouse over it.
2. You can click the icon, then select “Open Folder” to view the contents of the OneDrive folder. Any file saved to this folder will automatically sync with the OneDrive cloud.
For macOS:
1. OneDrive should appear under your Applications folder. If you have never used OneDrive before, it will ask you to log into a Work or School account when you try to open it. Your Fordham email and password are used to log in and connect with Fordham’s OneDrive.
2. The default folder for OneDrive on macOS devices is “\Users\yourusername\OneDrive – Fordham University” and should appear under your Favorites in the Finder. Any files saved in this folder will be automatically synchronized with the OneDrive cloud.
Using a Browser:
Both Windows and Mac users can access their Fordham OneDrive folder via fordham.edu and upload documents there.
1. Log into your fordham.edu portal and navigate to the My Apps page.
2. Select Office 365 (a blue cloud icon), then select OneDrive. This will bring you to your OneDrive cloud folder containing all of the synchronized files.
3. From this page, you can create, open, upload, download, share, and delete files.
How can I retrieve a backup?
Any file saved to your Fordham University OneDrive is automatically synced to the OneDrive cloud storage. In the event of file loss, you can retrieve the files by visiting OneDrive through the Fordham web portal.
1. Log into your fordham.edu portal and navigate to the My Apps page.
2. Select Office 365 (a blue cloud icon), then select OneDrive. This will bring you to your OneDrive cloud folder containing all of the synchronized files.
3. Select the file you want to retrieve, then click Download.
How can I retrieve previous versions of files?
You can also retrieve an earlier version of a file if there were changes made to it. OneDrive will save up to 500 versions of a file. To restore an older version of a file:
1. Log into your fordham.edu portal and navigate to the My Apps page.
2. Select Office 365 (a blue cloud icon), then select OneDrive. This will bring you to your OneDrive cloud folder containing all of the synchronized files.
3. Select the file you want a previous version of, then click the three dots to the right of the file name.
4. On the dropdown menu that appears, select “Version history.”
5. A menu should appear showing previous versions of the document with dates. Revert the file to the version of your choice by selecting the three dots to the right of the version name, then select “Restore.”