Don’t pay the Ransom!


If you find that your device has been compromised, and a cyber-criminal is demanding a ransom to release the files or access to your device, DON’T PAY IT.

  • Payment does not guarantee the return of your files.
    • Many cyber-criminals that use ransomware also have their version of helpdesks, which will work with victims to try to convince them to pay the ransom.
    • In some instances they will even release some of the files in a show of “good faith”, yet this alone will not ensure you will get all of your files released, or that they won’t demand more money.
  • Paying the ransom will basically fund their next attack.
    • Often times the amount the cyber-criminals are requesting doesn’t seem as high as expected, however this is because realistically if a home computer is compromised and the requested ransom is $300.00 it’s more likely the victim can and will pay.
    • Funds they receive are used to increase their reach and power.
    • Cyber-criminals rely on their scare tactics to try to get victims to pay.
    • Requesting immediate action gives the user the feeling that they have a limited amount of time to comply with request, or even that they have a limited amount of time to recover their files.
    • Keep in mind that as the cyber-criminals grow with technology, so does law enforcement.
  • If your device has been compromised contact Fordham IT.
    • Contact Fordham IT and provide them as much information as you can.
    • Fordham IT will work with public safety and local law enforcement to help you attempt to recover your files and protect you from future attacks.
  • Remember that prevention is the best medicine for all things cyber security.
    • Use antivirus
    • Keep your OS and Antivirus up to date
    • Run regular scans
    • Don’t open suspicious emails (unfamiliar senders, special offers, unexpected request)
    • Don’t download suspicious attachments

Detailed information regarding passwords and other IT security topics are available on our IT Security website at: or from our blog at

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IT Customer Care at (718) 817-3999 or via email to:


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