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Ambassador Registration Department,
Ambassador Ms Susan Namondo Ngongi
UNICEF (UN) Representative
P O BOX 4325
Accra, Ghana.
Accra, Ghana.
4-8th Rangoon Close
P. O. Box AN 5051
Accra, Ghana.
4-8th Rangoon Close
P. O. Box AN 5051
Accra, Ghana.
Attn: Ambassador Select,
Re: Appointment As UNICEF Ambassador.
Greetings to you. Am Ms. Susan Namondo Ngongi the current UNICEF Representative in Ghana. On the behalf of the United Nations Children Fund(UNICEF) and the Federal Republic of Ghana, I wish to inform you that your name was in the Vetted list of candidate that World Health Organization (WHO) submitted for Appointment as the UNICEF New National/Regional Ambassador. Am very happy to inform you that you are among ten (10) selected by the new secretary general of United Nations Hon. António Guterres. The Executive Director of UNICEF Sir Anthony Lake, has given his acknowledgement on your appointment as UNICEF National and Regional Ambassador as Field coordinator In Ghana, and the current new president of Ghana Nana Akfo-Addo has also given his consent to your appointment, among his agent for Ghana is to provide humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in the country. Due to the increase of natural disaster and man-made crises around the globe, which has rendered most people homeless, there is an increase of lack of food, good water, education, shelter, and medication, which call for immediate attention. The need of humanitarian service has double more than ever; there is a high need of humanitarian officer that is why we do need you to care for some responsibility in refugee camps in Asia/Africa.
Benefits and Entitlements.
Ambassador’s benefit from family friendly, work-life, and diversity policies, and UNICEF is committed to maintaining a balanced gender and geographical representation. Other Benefits and entitlements include:
• Annual leave
• Dependency allowance
• Medical and dental insurance
• Pension scheme
• Rental subsidy
• Education grant
• Home leave
• Life insurance
• Paid sick leave
• Family leave
• Family Visit
• Maternity / Paternity adoption leave
• Special leave
Job Description.
Your responsibility as Field coordinator will be to care for the following.
An administrative headquarters to coordinate services.
Sleeping accommodations (frequently tents).
Hygiene facilities (washing areas and latrines or toilets).
Clinics, hospitals and immunization centers.
Food distribution and therapeutic feeding centers.
Communication equipment (e.g. radio).
Security, including protection from banditry (e.g. barriers and security checkpoints).
Peacekeeping troops to prevent armed violence.
Places of worship.
Schools and training centers (if permitted by the host country).
Markets and shops (if permitted by the host country).
Organizing workshop to educate children and women: given then education and preventive measure on health issues such as Aids, Cancer, Malaria, sickle cell anemia and typhoid fever
Organizing a workshop to improve Talents in camps both children and women.
Fund-Raising and Good communication.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will provide all these facility mentions above. Is there any Benefit of accepting this position? Yes, there are a lot of benefit and allowance that wait for the New National/Regional UNICEF Ambassador. Below is the line-up of your salary, your salary is a post adjustment salary. The post adjustment salary includes, a monthly base salary multiplier and takes into account cost-of-living factors and exchange rate fluctuation as well as inflation.
Salary of $55,000.00USD
Health allowances $4,543.00USD
Traveling allowance $6,321.00USD
Which is sum up to $65,864,00USD that you will be receiving monthly, besides you will be given a compensation of $50.000USD, also a good furnish 4 bedroom Apartment (optional if you wish to relocate to the place of duty) and a private SUV of your choice from the United Nations. In addition to this, you also have the mandatory right to claim any fund from any other financial institution or organization, being you the beneficiary or benefactor, without any form of disagreement or controversy. Moreover, you will be able to set up a refugee camp or Orphanage home in your own residential country with the UN Certificate of permit that will be the issue to you.
Ambassador selects, so what then hold you back from completing your registration? Kindly get back to me with the complete filled forms, alongside with a size passport photograph of yourself and any means of your identification (your personal file and document are safe with us, we cherish the confidentiality of our Staff), kindly send them as soon as possible to complete your registration, which will only take 7 working days before all files and your official document to be ready before you resume office with all benefit, allowance, and compensation to be given to you.
Best Regard,
Ambassador Ms Susan Namondo Ngongi
UNICEF Representative,
For Urgent Reply:
Accra, Ghana.
©2017 Unicef – All rights reserved
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