An article form PC Mag highlights a newly discovered vulnerability that effects 950 Million Android phones.
“While most Android hacks at least require victims to make some kind of mistake, like getting tricked into downloading malware, the Stagefright vulnerability could already be on nearly a billion Android phones regardless of what users do. And what’s the real culprit behind a vulnerability this huge (besides the hackers of course)? The ongoing issue of Android fragmentation…
According to Israeli enterprise mobile security company Zimperium, it’s frighteningly easy for Stagefright to infect your phone. At fault is a recently detected flaw in Google’s open source media library code, that allows attackers to execute code on your device just by sending you a text message. The Stagefright vulnerability could be used to put a phone and its data at the mercy of an attacker. Contacts, camera, microphone, and photos are under the hacker’s control. Again, this can all happen completely under your nose. There are no external signs that the breach is occurring.”