This is another phishing email that has been reported. This message was received on or about July 19th, 2010. Please DO NOT respond to this message or anything that looks like it. You may disregard and delete this message. If you have any questions about the validity of this email please contact the University Help Desk directly at 718 817-3999 or via email:
We are currently updating our database and as such, deleting all unused accounts to reduce network congestion.
To prevent your account [] from being terminated, you will have to send an email log to our help desk webmaster by replying with the information requested below:
Your Email =
Your Email Password: =
Your Date of Birth: =
Email users that fail to comply as stated above may lose such an account permanently.
Thank you,
Help Desk.
Message Code: TITSR445l-WE4P4TV
CCO-STU-06 7/19/2010 9:51:48 AM