This is another phishing email that has been reported. This message was received on or about August 4th, 2009. Please DO NOT respond to this message or anything that looks like it. You may disregard and delete this message. If you have any questions about the validity of this email please contact the University Help Desk directly at 718 817-3999 or via email:
Dear Web Mail Subscriber / Email User,PHISHING ALERT: Please, read ALL contents of this email. Very Important.YOU ARE RECEIVING THIS EMAIL BECAUSE, YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ENDS WITH AN EDUCATIONAL (.edu) DOMAIN.The coalition of Universities and the .Edu webmail association of Admins, Microsoft Network, The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) at, the World Wide association of Internet Domain Registrars headed by Melbourne IT and Email Solutions, and the coalition of associated ISP, Email / Web Mail Providers association of Administrators, has been receiving complaints of unauthorized use of the e-mail system and the myAccount access gateway, with a reference to the above mentioned instances. As a result, we are making an extra security check on all accounts in order to protect their information from theft, fraud and further unauthorized usage. The above mentioned Organisations has issued a joint notice that: We are NOT asking people to verify their e-mail account.Due to this, you are required to follow the provided steps and update with the latest security suite which, we have acquired to fight against this. All Users and Accounts are subject to this change. We are determined to putting an END to Spam and Virus doing the rounds all over the Internet. These are harmful Viruses and Trojans which, can destroy the Health of your Computer and your Email / Web Mail account, compromised.We are moving ALL Web Mail / Email Users and Accounts to a New Secured Server and, we need your FULL assistance to accomplish this.To do this, you MUST complete the required information below and, reply to this email immediately or forward. Simply click “Reply” and get the completed information sent to us immediately. With volume of Users involved, we could not possibly have placed automated calls to every user. Reason, we are sending these notifications.Please, complete the below and email to us:—————————————–Your University Email Login Portal: —————-Your University ID : —————-Your Date Of Birth : —————-Your Current Email Address : —————-Current Email Password : —————–Phone Number : —————–Your Name :—————— ——————————–The above information, is ONLY required to verify the ownership to this Web Mail / Email Account. All Data sent to us are ENCRYPTED. These WARNINGS! would ONLY be passed around a few times. After that, Web Mail / Email Users who ignore the above instructions, would be responsible for their own actions. Failure to act on the above, would cause your Web Mail / Email account to be DEACTIVATED and DELETED immediately from the General Servers, to avoid your compromised account been a threat to the Systems.We HIGHLY recommend that, you visit and download a copy of their Spyware Doctor for your immediate PC safety. The software is available for FREE download.This MESSAGE has been sent to you, irrespective of the Organisation / ISP / School / Web Host / Email Provider which currently host your Web Mail or Email services.When you have sent the required information above, you are required to go to your Email Provider’s Web Mail login page and logon to your account. Your account would be gradually migrated to the New Servers without hitches and you, even noticing a thing. Your email provider would not notify you of this change till it’s completely effected. Thank you!**** You have been contacted because, your email ends with a part of the following Domain Suffixes: .com .edu .net .org .us .info .biz .il .mil .zw .fr .ac .bj .br .ar .ad .ae .aero .bo .ch and just to name a few.To view a full list of where your Email Domain Extension / Suffix falls in, click on any of the below links: you for using the Web Mail / Email systems!The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. Visit for more information.- Microsoft Network- The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)- Melbourne IT and Email Solutions- ISP, Email / Web Mail Providers- World Wide association of Internet Domain Registrars© 2009 Copyright All Rights Reserved.
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