This is another phishing email that has been reported. This message was received on or about April 22th, 2009. Please DO NOT respond to this message or anything that looks like it. You may disregard and delete this message. If you have any questions about the validity of this email please contact the University Help Desk directly at 718 817-3999 or via email:
From: Support Team []
Sent: 04/22/2009 08:41 AM EST
Subject: Dear Account Owne
Dear Edu Account Owner,
This message is from web mail admin messaging center to all(Edu Account Owner.)We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center.We are canceling unused email account to create more space for new accounts.
To prevent your account from closing you will have to update it below so that we will know it’s status as a currently used account.
Email Username :………..
Email Password :………..
Date of Birth :………..
Warning!!! Any account owner that refuses to update his or her account within Three days of this update notification will lose his or her account permanently.
Thank you,
Support Team
Warning Code :ID67565434.